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The Constitution of the United States, with the Bill of Rights...

Item # 593660

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October 10, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 10, 1812  If you don't want to spend $100,000+ for a period printing of the Constitution of the United States, here is a much less expensive alternative. This was the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, and to celebrate all of pages 1, 2, & 3 are taken up with the "Constitution of the United States", inclusive of the Preamble: "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union...", and the  "Amendments", being the Bill of Rights. The document is signed by George Washington, and the names of each signer is listed by state as well (see photos). Rarely are printings of the entire Constitution found in early 19th century newspapers.
Complete in 16 pages, 6 by 9 3/4 inches, and in nice condition.

This small size newspaper began in 1811 and was a prime source for national political news of the first half of the 19th century. As noted in Wikipedia: "Niles edited and published the Weekly Register until 1836, making it into one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States and himself into one of the most influential journalists of his day. Devoted primarily to politics, Niles' Weekly Register is considered an important source for the history of the period."

Category: Pre-Civil War