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Ponce massacre... Puerto Rico...
Ponce massacre... Puerto Rico...
Item # 594298
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March 22, 1937
THE DETROIT NEWS, Detroit, Michigan, March 22, 1937
* Ponce massacre
* Puerto Rico
This 22 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "7 Killed in Riot in Puerto Rico" and "50 Hurt in Nationalist Clash with Police". This is a 1st report coverage on the Ponce Massacre. Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Good condition.
wikipedia notes: The Ponce Massacre is a violent chapter in the history of Puerto Rico. On March 21, 1937 (Palm Sunday) a march was organized in the southern city of Ponce, Puerto Rico by the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. The march, organized to commemorate the ending of slavery in Puerto Rico by the governing Spanish National Assembly in 1873, was also formed to protest the incarceration of nationalist leader Pedro Albizu Campos, as well as to demand Puerto Rico's independence from the United States.
Category: The 20th Century