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List of the major battles of the Revolutionary War...
List of the major battles of the Revolutionary War...
Item # 595602
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October 29, 1781
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 29, 1781 Over half a column on the front page is taken up with: "The following is a list of the principal actions from the beginning of the American troubles to 1780, in consequence of that unhappy dispute:.." with the list noting all the principle battles including Lexington, Bunker's Hill, White Plains, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Brandywine, Saratoga and more, & ending with Charleston and the Battle of Camden. Also included is a "...list of the ships of war which the French have lost since the commencement of hostilities:..." (see).
Page 2 has several reports concerning the Revolutionary War which can be seen in the photos, just one of which mentions: "The report of an engagement having happened between the Marquis de la Fayette and Colonel Tarleton has gained credit even among the friends of Ministry. It is said the Colonel was unsuccessful & that the advice came by the way of Lisbon." and a bit further on: "A letter from Paris dated Oct. 17, says M. Franklin, the American minister, and Mons. de Fleury, by order of the King, are preparing securities for a loan to Congress from the Crown of France, for 130,000 pounds sterling money, which will be conveyed to America in one of our men of war..." (see).
Four pages, folio size, light damp staining near the bottom, close-trimmed at the bottom causes loss to the bottom line of pgs. 2 & 3, otherwise good.
Category: Revolutionary War