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Perhaps the nicest of all Monitor vs. Merrimac reports...
Perhaps the nicest of all Monitor vs. Merrimac reports...
Item # 595930
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March 10, 1862
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSSVirginia)
* Civil War ironclads
We have sold a large number of newspaper reports of the historic battle of the ironclads the last 35+ years, the Monitor versus the Merrimac, but I'm not sure any of them compare in aesthetic appeal of this newspaper. See the photos below for the great graphic representation, with the large front page map headed just as a collector would want: "THE VESSELS AND SCENE OF CONFLICT IN HAMPTON ROADS" plus the many nice one column heads which include: "HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS!" "Our Fleet at Fortress Monroe Attacked by the Rebel Steamers!!" "Iron-clad Steamer 'Monitor' Attacked by the 'Merrimac' " "The Rebel Fleet Driven Off" "The Merrimac In a Sinking Condition" "Official Despatch" "Still Later!" "The Iron-Clad Steamer Monitor Attacked by the Three Rebel Steamers" and more, with a great deal of text as well, including descriptions of both the Monitor & the Merrimac as well as the other ships involved.
Complete in 8 pages, this issue is in nice condition. It is one of the best Civil War collections.
Category: Yankee