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One of the best Lincoln assassination newspapers...

Item # 598081

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April 22, 1865

NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE, New York, April 22, 1865 

* Best Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Extremely rare title w/ prints

This could well be the best illustrated newspaper on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln to be had. It is the earliest newspaper to feature illustrations on the assassination, as the Harper's Weekly and Leslie's Illustrated reports were in their April 29 and May 6 issues. And this title is exceedingly more rare, as Harper's and Leslie's were printed in huge quantities and can still be found in many institutions. This issue of the National Police Gazette very rarely surfaces.
The front page is filled with six very graphic illustrations, each captioned, and the only headline-like text is in a box in the lower right: "THE ASSASSIN'S CARNIVAL". The illustrations are captioned: "Scene at the Death-bed of the President" "Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States" "Fight with the Assassin in Secretary Seward's Room" "Frederick Seward's Encounter with the Assassin." "The Assassination of Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State", and: "John Wilkes Booth, the Assassin."
All columns on pages 2 and 3 are black-bordered with most of the text taken up with reports concerning the assassination, with tremendous detail. Some of the second column heads include: "The Assassin's Carnival Causes The Nation To Mourn" "Fiendish Assassination of President Lincoln at the Side of his Wife" "The Dastardly Deed Committed in a Theatre" "Escape of the Incarnate Demon" "John Wilkes Booth The Cowardly Assassin" and much more (see).
Complete in four pages, large folio size, never bound nor trimmed, some small archival mends, archivally mended at the spine, some light staining & very mild fold wear. A very rare & desirable newspaper offered elsewhere for $7900.

Category: Yankee