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Hitman John Scalise assassination...
Hitman John Scalise assassination...
Item # 599189
May 10, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1929
* John Scalise assassination
* Al Capone hitman
* Chicago Outfit
Page 28 has one column headings: "Chicago Police Divide On Cause Of 3 Killings" "Rich Liquor and Vice Profits Believed Responsible by One Side--Stege Sticks to Gang War View"
1st report coverage on the assassination of three members of the Chicago Outfit including hitman John Scalise.
wikipedia notes: In the early morning hours of May 8, 1929, the bodies of John Scalise, Albert Anselmi, and Joseph Giunta were discovered on a lonely road near Hammond, Indiana. All three had been severely beaten and shot to death. One of Scalise’s gunshot wounds had torn off the pinky finger of his left hand. The coroner said he had never seen such disfigured bodies. It was initially suspected that the North Side Gang had killed the trio in retaliation for the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, but this theory was discounted a few days later when informants stated that the three men were lured to a banquet with their Sicilian friends and, while trying to break up a quarrel that was being staged for their benefit, were themselves attacked and killed. Scalise’s body was shipped back to Castelvetrano, Sicily for burial.
This issue contains other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 56 pages, it has minor spine wear, but is otherwise in nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century