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Washington proposes a settlement with his soldiers... Washington gives his retirement notice...

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June 03, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1783 

* General George Washington

Page 2 has a report noting in part: "Between the American army and the Congress the greatest harmony exists. General Washington has presented a petition from the army, requesting that each soldier should have either a portion of land allotted him, full pay for five years, or half pay for life. So equitable a proposal was immediately concurred in; and when the last advices left America, Congress were employed in adjusting a plan for gratifying the wishes of the army." This related in part to the problems with the "Newburgh Conspiracy" in which soldiers became mutinous regarding back pay, etc. (see hyperlink).
This is followed by another notable report: "General Washington has requested permission of Congress to retire to a private station, not stipulating a single condition for himself. The American Congress have passed a vote, expressing it 'incumbent on them to testify their sense of the eminent services of General Washington', but the manner of testifying the public gratitude was not finally adjusted..." (see).
Eight pages,  8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War