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Masthead engraved by Paul Revere... George Washington letter...
Masthead engraved by Paul Revere... George Washington letter...
Item # 601596
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June 10, 1784
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY: OR, WORCESTER GAZETTE, June 10, 1784 The decorative masthead of this newspaper was engraved by none other than Paul Revere. Beyond his famous ride to warn that the "British are coming!", he was an accomplished engraver and silversmith. This is one of just a few newspaper mastheads he created. Note the very ornate lettering in the title, bordered by two engravings.
Page 3 has an address to members of the Cincinnati in France signed in type by the President of the Cincinnati in the United States: G. Washington (see). He was also the very first President of the Society of Cincinnati, which was created in 1783 to preserve the ideals and fellowship of the American Revolutionary War officers. Following the Washington letter is much informative text on the society (see).
Published by the famed printer Isaiah Thomas, who founded the American Antiquarian Society. Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's