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Theodore Durrant hanging....
Theodore Durrant hanging....
Item # 602994
January 08, 1898
FITCHBURG DAILY SENTINEL, Massachusetts, January 8, 1898
* Theodore Durrant execution
* "The Demon of the Belfry"
* San Quentin prison
The back page has one column headlines: "DEATH OF DURRANT" "Judicial Decree Carried Out After Long Delay" "A Protestation Of Innocence" "Embraced the Catholic Faith Before His Execution" with illustration of Durrant. (see)
1st report coverage on the hanging of murderer, Theodore Durrant, at San Quentin prison in San Francisco, California.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, light browning, irregular along the spine, otherwise good. Should be handled with care.
Category: Post-Civil War