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Death of P. T. Barnum...

Item # 603216

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April 08, 1891

THE DAILY BOOMERANG, Laramie, Wyoming, April 8, 1891 

* P. T. Barnum
* Phineas T. Barnum death
* Circus - Showman

A great title for a newspaper from the Old West (named after the editor's mule: guess he couldn't get rid of him). The top of the front page has a heading: "P.T. BARNUM DEAD" "The Great Old Showman Is No More" "Death By Heart Failure" "He Had No Organic Disease--Ill Nearly Six Weeks--He Directed that His Funeral Should Be of a Private Character" with the article taking a bit over half a column (see).
Four pages, minor browning at the margins, a bit irregular at the spine, nice condition.

Category: Post-Civil War