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Terrific full page slave auction print...

Item # 603874

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February 16, 1861

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Feb. 16, 1861  Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the terrific full page illustration captioned: "A Slave Auction In Virginia" which shows a family, including a baby in the mother's arms, on the auction block. Rarely were such prints found in period newspapers, in fact no American newspaper ever included a print which rivaled this one. There is also a related article on the facing page titled: "Slave Auctions In Richmond, Virginia" as well as a quarter-page illustration: "Dealers Inspecting A Negro at a Slave Auction in Virginia" (see).  Above this print is another captioned: "The Principal Church In Charleston, South Carolina" which also has a related article (see).
Complete in 24 pages, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War