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Very rare 17th century magazine...

Item # 609673

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THE GENTLEMAN'S JOURNAL OR THE MONTHLY MISCELLANY, London, July, 1692  If 18th century magazines are scarce, titles from the 17th century are exceedingly rare. Here is one such title, subtitled: "To A Gentleman in the Country Consisting of News, History, Philosophy, Poetry, Musick, Translations, etc."  Contains a very nice full title page (see photo), and pg. 2 is taken up with the table of contents. Some of the items in this issue include: "The Jealous Husbands, a Novel" "Excess of Passion of a Young Married Lady" "An Account of a New Diving Engine" "A Dissertation concerning Diving" "An Account of a Painted Indian" and more.  The back 8 pages are taken up with music (see). 
Complete in 34 pages, very nice, clean condition printed on high-quality newsprint, bit close-trimmed at the top affects some page numbers but no text. Measures 6 by 8 inches, 32 pages, quite nice condition. A rare item with such an early date.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's