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Beginning of the Nuremberg Trials...
Beginning of the Nuremberg Trials...
Item # 611142
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October 19, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 19, 1945
* Nuremberg trials begin
* Hermann Goering - Rudolph Hess
* Loads of text & photos
The front page has a 3 column, 3 line headline announcing the opening of the Nuremberg Trials: "Big four Indict 24 Top Nazis For Plotting Against Peace; Atrocities In War Charged" with subheads including: "Party Corps Listed", "Goering, Hess, 13 Others Accused on All four Counts in Bill" and "Charges Based on Violations of Pacts & Conventions--Outrages Itemized". The report begins: "An indictment was presented today...to charge 24 of Germany's war leaders--all Nazi followers of Adolf Hitler--with participation in the bloodiest, blackest plot against peace & humanity that has ever stained history's pages...".
Reporting continues on inside pages with related photos. Loads and loads of text here. Too much to mention all.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 40 pages, very nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century