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The famous Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse, in a Tacoma newspaper...

Item # 611499

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November 08, 1940

THE TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE, Washington, Nov. 8, 1940 

* Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse - Galloping Gertie (1st report)
* It is BEST to have reports from the city where an event occurred

Few tragedy-related television shows fail to include the famous film clip of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge in 1940, as the tragedy was captured on film as it was happening. Since nicknamed "galloping gertie" it remains the poster child for poor engineering in modern bridge design.
Here is a newspaper from Tacoma--where it happened--with the first report of this tragedy. The front page has 3 photos and a red-ink banner headline across the top: "NARROWS BRIDGE COLLAPSES" and another banner head above the photos: "Exclusive News Tribune Photographs of Spectacular Crash of $6,740,000 Narrows Bridge". Various related front page articles as well, including: "News Tribune Man Last on the Bridge" which concerns Leonard Coatsworth who is seen in the famous film. He was on the staff of this newspaper and wrote an article on his experience (see hyperlink for more on him).
This would appear to be the complete first section with pages 1-14, although no mention is made of the number of pages in the complete issue. Minor margin wear, generally nice condition. A rare opportunity for likely the best possible newspaper on his famous tragedy.

Category: The 20th Century