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Emancipation Proclamation...

Item # 614417

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HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, November, 1862 Near the back of the issue under "Monthly Record of Current Events" is a report on the Emancipation Proclamation. "On the 22d of September the President issued a very important proclamation. ... that he should at the next meeting of Congress again urge that pecuniary compensation be tendered to the loyal slave States should they choose to abolish slavery either gradually or immediately... the proclamation declares..." and what follows are the notable excerpts of the actual Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation document by Lincoln, including: "That on the first day of January...all persons held as slaves within any state...the  people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be e then...forever free..." with more (see). This is then followed by editorial commentary including: "This emancipation proclamation caused great excitement in the Confederate Congress at Richmond...".
There is also considerable report on the events of the Civil War from the month previous, offering very nice detail.
The first article in the issue is: "Poland Over-ground and Under-ground" which includes prints of: "View of Cracow" "Kosciusco" "Polish Jew of Rank" and "Polish Jews" and other scenes of Cracow.
Other articles and illustrations are within.
Complete in 142 pages, measuring 9 1/2 by 6 inches, disbound without the outer wrapper, and is in good condition.

Category: Yankee