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The Louisiana Purchase Treaty is signed....

Item # 615247

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July 13, 1803

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 13, 1803  A page 2 report datelined "Washington, July 4, 1803" and headed: "Official" reports: "The Executive has received official information, that a Treaty was signed on the 30th April, between the Ministers...of the United States and the Ministers...of the French Government; by which the United States have obtained the full right to and sovereignty over New Orleans, and the whole of Louisiana, as Spain possessed the same." (see) History tells us the date was actually 2 days later on May 2 when the American envoys signed the treaty of cession in Paris. The treaty would be approved by the Senate on October 20.
Also on pg. 2 is a nice editorial headed: "Louisiana Bought But Not Yet Paid For - Who Pays For It?" which takes over half a column.
Four pages, archivally rejoined at the spine, two minor archival mends at margins, generally nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War