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Amelia Earhart gets pilot license...

Item # 622708

February 06, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 6, 1929

* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart
* Takes first airplane flying lesson
* To obtain Airline Transport Pilot License

Page 15 has a small and discrete heading: " Flying Lesson for Miss Earhart" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 56 pages, rag edition in very nice condition.

Note: While the major historic events in Amelia Earhart's life can be read about through multiple venues (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), many of the more obscure events can only be found within a handful (at most) of daily newspapers of her day. Yet, it is these reports which add color to one of the most beloved personalities of the 20th century. Thankfully, the New York Times was one of the few publications which emphasized such reports.

Category: The 20th Century