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Should the U.S. boycott the 1936 Olympics?

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December 09, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 9, 1935 

* Movement to boycott the Berlin Olympics
* Jewish Holocaust - plight of the Jews
* Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany
* Amateur Athletic Union votes for participation

There was considerable controversy in the United States preceding the 1936 Olympics as to whether the games should be boycotted due to Hitler's Nazi regime and its treatment of Jews and non-Ayran races. There were many individual and groups vigorously arguing for a boycott, while other felt politics should play no part in the Olympic games (see the hyperlink for much more). It wasn't until the Amateur Athletic Union voted to attend that the tipping point had been reached, deciding for U.S. participation. Other countries--as many were also considering a boycott--then fell in line for attendance as well.
The top of the front page reports this historic decision with: "A.A.U. Backs Team In Berlin Olympic; Rejects Boycott" with related subheads (see). This was a very notable decision which would lead to one of the more memorable of all Olympic Games bringing international fame to Jesse Owens & others, particularly in light of Hitler's attendance and his belief in inferior races.
Complete in 42 pages, light toning, minor margin wear, generally in good condition..

Category: The 20th Century