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Idaho has joined the Union...
Idaho has joined the Union...
Item # 630995
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July 04, 1890
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, July 4, 1890
* Idaho Territory gains statehood
* Admitted to the Union
* President Benjamin Harrison
The top of the middle column of the front page announces: "IDAHO A STATE" "The President Signs the Bill for Her Admission Before Setting Off for Cape May" "The Wyoming Bill Not Yet Ready for the Executive Signature" "An Agreement on the Silver Bill Will Probably by Reached Friday". Further down the ftpg. is the actual report with subheads: "Idaho A State" "The President Signs the Bill Admitting That Territory Into the Union--The Wyoming Bill Not Ready for His Signature".
Complete in 8 pages, some tears to margins, evenly toned, somewhat fragile & must be handled carefully. Nice to have this report on the front page.
Category: Post-Civil War