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Flight 191 O'Hare airplane disaster....
Flight 191 O'Hare airplane disaster....
Item # 638436
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May 27, 1979
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 27, 1979
* American Airlines Flight 191 takeoff crash
* O'Hare airport disaster w/ famous photo
The front page has a three column heading: "Inquiry Opens in Chicago Air Crash That Killed 273" with two related photos, one being the infamous image of the airplane losing control just after takeoff. (see) Coverage on the American Airlines flight 191 airplane crash at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. Report continues inside with complete list of the casualties. Nice to have in this famous NYC title. Until 9/11, it was the deadliest air disaster to occur on U.S. soil.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Includes the complete first section containing all related coverage.
Category: The 20th Century