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Randall (Randy) Rhoads killed in crash...

Item # 643252

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March 19, 1982

THE LOS ANGELES TIMES (Late Final Edition), March 19, 1982 (1st section)

* Ozzie Osbourne and Quiet Riot fame
* Considered one of the best guitar players of all time
* Tragic death at the age of 25

The front page has the two column headline: "Hard Rock Guitarist and 2 Others Die in Plane Crash", which tells of the tragic death of Randy Rhoads death in Florida. A photo and supporting text are also provided. The complete first section. The section is in very good condition. Nice to have in a Los Angeles, California newspaper.

Note: Another plane crash occurred later that same day (a military transport plane), which absorbed the headlines in most newspapers. As a result, this coverage is difficult to find - especially with front page coverage.

Category: The 20th Century