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Treaty of Versailles signed...
Treaty of Versailles signed...
Item # 647744
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June 29, 1919
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 29, 1919
* World War I officially ends
* Peace Treaty signed
* Treaty of Versailles
The front page has a three line banner headline: "PEACE SIGNED, ENDS THE GREAT WAR; GERMANS DEPART STILL PROTESTING; PROHIBITION TILL TROOPS DISBAND" Various related subheads including: "Enemy Envoys in Truculent Spirit" "Say Afterward They Would Not Have Signed Had They Known They Were to Leave First by Different Way" "China Refuses to Sign, Smuts Makes Protest" "These Events Somewhat Cloud the Great Occasion at Versailles -- Wilson, Clemenceau, and Lloyd George Receive a Tremendous Ovation". More inside as well. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 24 pages, light even toning, irregular along the spine, generally nice.
Category: The 20th Century