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John Wilkes Booth's letter of confession...

Abraham Lincoln's funeral... Services at New York churches & synagogues...

Item # 652609

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April 20, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 20, 1865  All columns on all 8 pages are black-bordered, with nice front page one column heads including: "OUR LOSS" "A Day of Mourning" "The Funeral at Washington" "Imposing Ceremonies" "Scenes & Incidents" "Booth Reported in Penna." and more.
The entire ftpg. is taken up with reports on the funeral of Abraham Lincoln at Washington with subheads including: "The Funeral" "A Second Account" "Opening Prayer" "The Sermon" "Closing Prayer". The report begins: "The great & solemn pageant of removing the remains of the nation's revered & beloved Chief from the White House to the Capitol is closed. Never was such a scene witnessed...".
Page 7 is mostly taken up with reports of the various "Religious Services" at churches in New York City. Included are two accounts of services at Jewish synagogues, one headed: "Jewish Temple, East Twelfth St." and the other: "Congregation Shaary Berochoh" (see).
Page 5 has: "Letter Of John Wilkes Booth" "He Confesses that He Was Engaged  in a Plot to Capture & Carry Off the President" and more, taking over an entire column & signed by him in type: J. Wilkes Booth
Complete in 8 pages, very nice, clean condition.

Category: Yankee