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California Wine-Making... Napa Valley...
California Wine-Making... Napa Valley...
Item # 652921
March 09, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY (with California Wine-Making Supplement), New York, March 9, 1889 The four page "Supplement" issue is titled; "California Wine-Making," with 3 1/2 of the 4 pages devoted to the topic (with six photos/illustrations). Also present is the regular weekly issue which includes: Full ftpg: 'The Arrival of Troops--A Scene on Penna. Ave. Before Inauguration Day.' Very nice doublepage centerfold: 'Sketches in Washington Before the Inauguration' shows 10 scenes, including: 'The Arrival of the President Elect at the Arlington'. Fullpg: 'The Great Salt Lake of Dakota' shows 7 scenes, 2 with Indians. Fullpg: 'Building the new War Ship Maine'.
16 pages, plus 4 supplement pages - in good condition (slight foxing and small binding holes in double-page prints).
Category: 1880-1889