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1940 Moscow Peace Treaty.... WWII....

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March 13, 1940

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 13, 1940

* Moscow Peace Treaty signed (1st report)
* 105-day Winter war ends
* Finland - Soviet Union (Russia)

The top of the front page has a six column headline: "MOSCOW ANNOUNCES PEACE TREATY SIGNED; FINNS DELAY RATIFICATION, FIGHTING ENDS; TERMS GIVE BIG FINNISH AREAS TO SOVIET" with subheads and related map. First report coverage on the Moscow Peace Treaty which ended 105-day Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Complete with all 48 pages, rag edition in very nice condition.

wikipedia notes: The Moscow Peace Treaty was signed by Finland and the Soviet Union on 12 March 1940, and the ratifications were exchanged on 21 March. It marked the end of the 105-day Winter War. The treaty ceded parts of Finland to the Soviet Union. However, it preserved Finland's independence, ending the Soviet attempt to annex the country. The treaty was signed by Vyacheslav Molotov, Andrey Zhdanov and Aleksandr Vasilevsky for Soviet Union, and Risto Ryti, Juho Kusti Paasikivi, Rudolf Walden and Väinö Voionmaa for Finland.

Category: The 20th Century