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Jews required to wear the Star of David in Nazi Germany...
Jews required to wear the Star of David in Nazi Germany...
Item # 662832
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September 07, 1941
* The Yellow Star "Star of David" badge
* Jewish Holocaust takes a drastic turn (1st report)
* Jude - Jews - Judaica
Page 5 has a very significant Judaica report concerning their treatment by the Nazis under Hitler's rule: "Inside Germany: All Jews Must Wear Big Yellow Star; Beaten States Gone Forever".
Page 5 also features a photo of the new B-17E Flying Fortress Bomber with article: "B-17E: The War Department Orders Mass Production of Flying Fortress Bombers".
The article is datelined at Berlin and begins: "All Jews over 6 years of age were ordered...to wear a large yellow star of David with the black superscription 'Jew'...that Jews would not be permitted to leave the area in which they resided...Jews must not wear any orders or decorations..." with other particulars.
The complete issue small binding holes at the blank spine, nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century